You can see More Tab Options by Targeting your Pod or Mystic Greetings, Adventurer! Thank you for helping to rescue the Mystics! With your help, these Magical creatures will grow up strong and safe – and will begin a long lineage of incredible companions.
Getting Started
Learning About Your New Mystic
Care and Feeding
Experience and Leveling
More Information
Now that you have your Starter Kit, make sure you are somewhere in Second Life where you have adequate permissions to rez objects and run scripts. If your land belongs to a specific group, make sure you’re wearing the appropriate Group Tag that grants you those permissions.
The first step is to rez your Starter Kit and Unpack it to your inventory. You’ll have a Starter Home, a HUD, and some Portals.
1. Attach your HUD first! Taking the form of a Chronicle Book – a magical text that can access a vast deluge of information about Elarran life forms – the HUD will help you to learn about and interact with the Mystics, their Homes, and all the other elements of the game world.
2. Rez your Starter home.
3. Rez Your Portals.
Your Portals DO NOT need to be clicked. They will automatically summon a PetalPod from the world of the Mystics.
Once the PetalPod appears, click it: its information will be displayed on your HUD.
Now that your PetalPod is Targeted, click the purple “Hatch” Tab on the right side of your HUD.
Your new baby Mystic has emerged! Congratulations! This is the first step of an exciting adventure for you both.
Click your new Mystic. The first thing you may notice is that a colored arrow will appear over its head! This arrow shows that this Mystic is Targeted. Your arrow is color-coded, based on your avatar key. If you click a Mystic that doesn’t belong to you, you’ll see a star of your color instead. The information on the Chronicle Book of your HUD will show information about whatever game item you have Targeted.
The next thing you’ll likely notice is the hovertext readout.
This gives you information at a glance, in the following order:
Name (This can be changed!)
Date of Birth
Region of Origin
Name: This is your Mystic’s name. (You can change it at any time through the HUD; we’ll explain this a little later.)
Date of Birth: The date this Mystic hatched from its PetalPod.
Gender: The biological sex of your Mystic, either Male or Female.
Size: The size of your Mystic. Mystics can be Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, or Huge, and each size can have one of five additional size modifiers: –, -, standard, +, or ++
Species: The species of your Mystic. Mystics are a very diverse genus; each species has slightly different patterning and slightly different biology – similar to how the Canis lupus species of Earth creatures contains everything from wolves to dingoes to beagles.
Type: The breed of your Mystic. This is a subtype of the species, similar to how dogs on Earth are divided into everything from beagles to chihuahuas to poodles. Species that live in different Regions of Elarra have differentiated into various Types.
Region of Origin: This species’ native biome back on their homeworld of Elarra. Regions include the Staralis Desert, the Sparkling Dunes, Wintergale Tundra, Coldfire Arctic, Darkmere Jungle, and Dewsong Jungle.
This hovertext gives you (and others) some information about this Mystic – but your HUD will tell you even more:
NAME is the name of this Mystic.
OWNER is the name of the avatar who owns this Mystic. (Since you’re looking at your own Mystic, this will be your name – but, being a Chronicle Book, your HUD can display information about ANY Mystic you target!)
HOME is the name of the Home where it lives. We’ll talk more about your Home in a later section.
MOTHER is the name of this Mystic’s female parent.
FATHER is the name of this Mystic’s male parent. (For your new Mystic, the Mother and Father lines will show “None.” Things are a little hectic on their homeworld of Elarra: rescuers are too busy trying to save these PetalPods to keep good records of their parentage!)
PARTNER will show the name of this Mystic’s Partner, once it has been Paired. A symbol will follow the Partner’s name to show whether the partnership is male-female, male-male, or female-female. More information about Pairing and Breeding can be found in later sections.
COSTUME shows the name of the Costume this Mystic has available, if it has been given a Costume Potion. Costume Potions are magical elixirs that change a Mystic’s coat to special new patterns that cannot be found by breeding. To learn more, check out the Costumes page!
BORN shows this Mystic’s date of birth and their current age.
CYCLE shows its progress along the breeding cycle. Mystics cannot breed until they are fully grown, but also cannot breed after they reach a certain age. Fortunately, Mystics are fully grown at 4 days old, have a breeding cycle that lasts 6 days, and are able to have pods until they are 66 days old. A same-gender Pair of Mystics will never breed, and their Cycle will always look like it’s complete. Breeding is covered in much more detail in its own section later.
HUNGER shows how well-fed this Mystic is.
GENDER shows this Mystic’s biological sex.
ORIGIN, TYPE, and SPECIES, as mentioned earlier, describe this Mystic’s region of origin on Elarra, its breed, and its species.
EYES shows the type and color of eyes of this Mystic. Mystics may have various eye colors – some more rare than others!
SIZE shows the size of a Mystic, giving information on how big it will be when fully grown.
LEVEL shows this Mystic’s level of Experience. This will be discussed in much more detail later on!
Now you’ve learned some things about your Mystic – but your little Mystic is brand new to the world, and it needs to learn some things from you!
The first thing your Mystic needs to know is where it lives.
First, click the Mystic so that it’s selected on your HUD. Then select your Home to let it know you would like it to live there.
This is VERY important, because the Home is what stores a Mystic’s food: if a Mystic is not linked to a Home, it can’t find its food, and it will run away!
Once you’ve clicked your Mystic and clicked your Home, it will move in. Once you click the Home, you will see that Mystic’s name displayed as a resident!
Up to 12 Mystics can live in one Home.
Your Mystic can also learn a new name from you. After it hatches, your pet will have a random code name of “Mystical _______” – but you can give it any name you like.
First, click your Mystic to target it, so that it displays in your HUD.
Click directly on its “Mystical _______” name, and in local chat you will see a prompt that says you have 30 seconds to enter a new name for your baby.
Just type the name you choose in Local Chat and hit enter. Your Mystic will hear it, and will now have a proper name!
Follow these steps with each of your new pets.
Click in the Name field and type a new name into Local chat!
By now you will probably have noticed a large, bouncing, bright-red sign above your house – a sign that says “OUT OF FOOD!” And you may also notice that the Magika Berry Vine is bare.
No Berries On The Vine!
Mystics don’t eat bowls of pet kibble or scraps of people food: they need Magika to survive. Magika is an abundant element on their homeworld of Elarra – it’s the source of all Magic, and it’s integral to the survival of all Magical life. But Mystics can’t just live off of Magika – much like how, even though all of Earth’s life requires water to survive, humans can’t live off of water alone. Mystics, like humans, need to eat foods that have the right nutrients to keep them alive. The finest Elarran scholars have studied Earth’s conditions, and they’ve determined that one of the Mystics’ favorite foods, the delicious and filling Magika Berry, can grow equally well in all biomes of Earth – so long as they have enough Magika.
Magika doesn’t naturally exist on Earth, which makes it very valuable to anyone who cares for Magical creatures. It can even be used as currency to purchase various goods! Fortunately, we’ve bottled the stuff. You can see how much Magika you have by looking at the big blue Magika Vial at the top of your HUD
Your Magika reserve is displayed at the top of your HUD.
To feed your Mystics, simply click the Food text in the HUD to apply some of your Magika to your Home.
A dialog box will open. Here, you can select how many drops of Magika you want to sprinkle on your Home. With every one drop you apply, one big delicious mouthful of Magika Berry will ripen on the vine!
You can apply anywhere from 1 drop of Magika to 1000 drops of Magika. When you make your selection, you’ll see that the corresponding amount of Magika is debited from your Magika Vial at the top of your HUD.
You can also Empty your Home of Food: just click Empty, and you’ll squeeze every last drop of Magika back out into your Magika Vial
Feeling generous? You can also sprinkle your Magika on other Adventuers’ Homes! Their Mystics will surely appreciate the extra snacks.
Now that everyone’s housed and fed, let’s give that Home a closer look. Click on your Home to target it, then look at your HUD. It will display a variety of facts about your Home.
You can Interact with your HUD by clicking in the Text Fields.
NAME allows you to give each Home you own a distinctive name. To name a Home, Target it by clicking it, then click on the text at the top that says “Home 1.” Enter the Home’s new name in Local Chat. This will help you stay better organized! Multiple Homes will default to names based on the number of Homes you have. If it is your second Home, for example, its default name will be “Home 2.” Please give each of your Homes a different name!
OWNER shows the name of the avatar who owns this Home. (Since you’re looking at your own Home, this will be your name – but the Chronicle Book of your HUD can display information about ANY Home you Target!)
RANGE allows you to indicate how far you’d like your Mystics to roam from their Home. There is no Range limit, but they will obey Sim boundaries and won’t wander onto land not owned by their owner.
MOVE allows you to command your Mystics to either wander freely or to stay in one spot. Just click the field to toggle their movement between ON and OFF.
SLEEP lets your Mystics hide away in their Home to help reduce your prim use. When you see “Awake” in this line, your Mystics are outside their Home – and taking up prims. Clicking “Awake” will toggle this to “Sleep” – and your Mystics will waltz into their home until you ask them to come back out. While inside, they will do everything they usually do – EXCEPT lay PetalPods. PetalPods can only be finished outside the Home. While your Mystics are inside, they DO NOT take up prims, and they have 0 (zero) LI. Just remember to have available prims if you decide to bring them back out to play!
Mystics don’t have to be homebodies, though: you can bring them with you as you travel Second Life! To hold your Mystic in your arms, Take it into your inventory, then select Wear. To have it walk alongside you, Take it into your inventory, then Wear it on Avatar Center.
FOOD displays how many nibbles of Magika Berry are on the vine of your Home – and available for your Mystics to eat.
PET displays the names of all the residents of the Home you have targeted. You can Target individual Mystics just by clicking their name in the Home!
If you’ve clicked on your home you will see four Tabs on the right side:
- Options Tabs are reached by clicking on any home you own.
SOUND is used if you dislike the various mewls and chirrs of your Mystics. You can toggle the Sound button to silence them.
CHECK IN is just like a roll call. If you can’t find one of your Mystics, use this to call them back home.
REFRESH is used if you move your Home to a different location inworld. It lets your Mystics know where you have moved their Home to, so they can find it again.
SIZE allows you to shrink down your home to a much smaller size, if you need more room!
When you’ve Targeted a PetalPod or Mystic, you see a different array of Tabs on the right side of the HUD. These Tabs help you interact with the targeted pet. You can see More Tab Options by Targeting your Pod or Mystic.
HATCH allows you to hatch a PetalPod that you have Targeted.
PICK is used along with PAIR to create couples: Pairing and breeding will be covered in more detail in their own section.
FUSE is used to Fuse two Mystics together. Fusion is a deep and meaningful bond between Mystics – a bond that lasts forever. When Fused, one Mystic’s Experience enters another Mystic, and they live the rest of their lives in one body. (The body they’re not using anymore vanishes in an invisible burst of Magical energy!) Though the body they share will look the same as ever, Fusing can unlock many secrets hidden deep in a Mystic’s biology. Its offspring may be more diverse – and may even introduce new Types of Mystics! Fusion will be covered in much more detail in a later section.
MOVE OUT allows you to move your targeted Mystic out of the Home that it resides in. This will also unpair it from any partners. MOVE OUT can also be used if you wish to Pair two Mystics, but they happen to live in different Homes.
Say you own two Homes, both alike in dignity, which you’ve named Capulet and Montague – and you wish to Pair the lovely Romeo of Montague Home with the lovely Juliet – but she lives in Capulet Home! Are these star-crossed lovers fated for tragedy? Not with the help of the MOVE OUT tab! Simply Target the one you wish to move out – Romeo, let’s say – and then click the MOVE OUT Tab. Romeo will leave Montague Home. With him still Targeted, click Capulet Home: Romeo will move in! (Although, if there are already 12 Mystics in the home, one of your single Mystics would have to Move Out first in order to make room for Romeo. Perhaps Falstaff of Capulet Home could move out and take Romeo’s vacated place in Montague Home.)
MARKET allows you to place your Live Mystic in Market Mode to take to the market. In this mode, your Mystic will stand at attention, making it easy to inspect. It will stay listed as a resident of its current Home, though: this will let it keep eating food so it doesn’t run away.
BRAG outputs all the vital data about your Target – whether it’s a Mystic or an unhatched PetalPod – to Local Chat. This makes it easy to copy and paste that information to share with others!
Now that you know how to interact with single Mystics, let’s discuss how Mystics can interact with each other!
Target one Mystic and click PICK. Your HUD will remember your selection: a tab will appear at the bottom of your HUD with the name of your Picked Mystic on it.
Now, select another Mystic and click on the PAIR tab. It will Pair your Mystic with the one you previously picked and they will partner up and become a couple!
Paired Mystics want to spend as much time together as possible, though – which means that both members of the Pair need to live in the same Home.
How can you keep track of who’s partnered with whom? Simply target your Home and look at the list of pets: each pair of partners will be given a unique Partner Symbol. In this example, you can see how the spade symbol is used for this partnership of two opposite-gendered Mystics,Toodles and Grape.
If you have unpaired Mystics, they will still have a symbol representing their individual gender on the HUD, but will not display a shared symbol. Here we can see that Eddy and Peggy are not paired: they don’t share a Partner Symbol.
Because you can have multiple pairings at one Home, different symbols will be used to differentiate them. Other pairs may be indicated by a ♠ or ♥ or ♦ or a ♣. This is to help you organize your pairs, so that you can easily review what Mystics are paired with which.
Information about your Mystics’ breeding cycle can be found under Cycle.
Mystics who are less than 4 days old will show no progress along their Breeding Cycle: they’re too young.
Mystics who are over 66 days old will show a Cycle status of Supreme! This means that they are too old to breed.
Mystics who aren’t Paired won’t go through a breeding cycle at all. Instead, the Progress Bar of their Cycle will be all the way to the right, showing that their cycle is complete – and that they’re lonely!
Mystics who are Paired, but are paired with a Mystic of the same gender, also won’t go through a breeding cycle; their Progress Bar will also be all the way to the right.
In order to breed, both Mystics must be:
- Different genders: one Male, one Female
- At least 4 days old
- Less than 66 days old
- Well-fed
- Paired before the last day of the breeding cycle.
The nesting process takes six days, and is a complex symbiotic relationship with the Mystika Berry Vine. At a certain point in their cycle, instinct drives Mystics to burrow in the dirt around their Home, looking for the thick-shelled Mystika Berry Seeds that they and their burrowmates have dropped.
For two days, the Mystics will plant those seeds.
For the next two days, they will cultivate those seeds until they grow into flowers. Continuing to tend their crop, they will sniff out the strongest, thickest, healthiest flower of them all: this will become their baby’s home for the last stages of its development. The other flowers will be harvested: with their tiny teeth and claws, Mystics shred the petals of less-promising flowers into soft, fragrant nesting materials, and they gather sticky sap from the inferior stems.
For the last two days, they use that harvested plant matter to build a warm and fragrant nest within the petals of that strongest flower. There, the female Mystic places her small, hairless, defenseless baby. The Mystics fold up the petals and stick them together tightly, using the sap from the flower stems. The baby Mystic is now protected and camouflaged. Meanwhile, its parents – and often its burrowmates – help to defend that flower against all predators.
On the 10th day, the baby Mystic grows strong enough to hatch!
As you did with your first PetalPod, simply Target the PetalPod, then click the HATCH Tab on your HUD.
The next generation of Mystics lives on!
Though Mystics never die of old age (or of anything at all,) they can no longer breed after they are 66 days old. Mystics of this age are called Supreme. Though they can’t breed anymore, they can still do everything a younger Mystic can, in just the same ways! But their age does tend to make Supreme Mystics more rich in Experience – which gives them interesting potential for Fusion.
When you target any Mystic, you can see its Experience, or EXP, on the bottom line of your HUD. The Experience they gain and the Levels they earn are represented through the Progress Bar and the Experience Stars on the bottom line of your HUD.
Each Star (though some call them flowers!) has five points, and each point represents one Level. As you play, the red Progress Bar behind the Stars will gradually fill toward the right. As the bar gets closer to the right side, that Mystic is closer to its next Level! When it reaches that Level, one point of the Star will fill, the Progress Bar will empty, and it will begin filling up toward the right again. Each Star represents five Levels: when your first Star is completely filled, your Mystic is Level 5!
For those who want a little more precision, Experience progress is represented in numbers, as well. To the right of the Stars, you’ll see a fraction inside a pair of parentheses. The number on the left side shows how many Experience points you have in the current Level, and the number on the right side shows how much Experience is needed to reach the next Level.
A newly-hatched Mystic is born at Level 1, so it has only one point of its first Star filled. Its numbers show (0/50) – meaning that it needs 50 EXP to reach Level 2, and it hasn’t gained any Experience Points yet.
Gray Stars mean that those levels are locked until your Pet raises its maximum level.
In the case of this older pet, three points are filled on the Star first star, meaning this Mystic is Level 3. The numbers show (161/300) which means that it has earned 161 Experience Points so far this level, and that it needs a total of 300 Experience Points to reach Level 4. The red Progress Bar lets you see, at a quick glance, that this Mystic is a little over halfway to its next Level.

Since the Stars are fairly small, their filled-in points also change color with every level to make it easier to see your progress. The first point is in red; at two points, they become orange; at three points, they become green; at four points, they become blue, and at five points, they become purple. When you reach Level 6, your first Star becomes purple, and the first point of your second Star becomes red.
You may have noticed that only your Mystic’s first two Level Stars have black borders around their points, and that all the rest are gray. This is because those Levels are locked. A Mystic can only reach Level 10 on its own: to reach higher Levels, it must Fuse with another Mystic of its same species.
To recap, Fusion is a process that lets one Mystic give up its body to give its Experience to a Receiver. The Receiver will get 66% of the Giver’s Experience, plus any bonuses added by the Giver’s eye rarity, plus any bonuses added by the Giver’s coat rarity.
Any Mystics can be Fused at any time, at any age – even as PetalPods!
You can Fuse many Mystics with a single Mystic to increase its knowledge and Experience, to expand its ability to learn and Level, and to unlock fascinating possibilities for its offspring.
Whenever two Mystics of the same species Fuse, not only does the Receiver get 66% of the Giver’s Experience, along with the eye and coat bonuses, it will also unlock one new Star – its Maximum Level increases, making it able to earn 5 more Levels.
Rare eyes can give bonuses Experience, as well!
For a visual example, let’s fuse two Cloudspinners.
First, let’s look at the stats of Hoshi, the Mystic on the left. Looking at her EXP information, her first star is orange, meaning she’s Level 2, and the text to the right says her EXP is 85/150: She needs 150 EXP total to reach Level 3, so she’s off by 65.
So, let’s pick her as our Receiver! With her targeted, we click the Pick Tab – and a bookmark with her name on it peeks out from the HUD Chronicle Book to show that she’s been Picked.
Next, we target the Mystic on the right, T’Pol. As we do, we can see her stats – she, too, is a Level 2 with 85 EXP.
Now, let’s Fuse T’Pol to Hoshi! We know that Hoshi is the one who will stay, because her name is on the bookmark. (If you ever forget which direction the Fusion will go, remember: bookmarks help you keep your place!)
But, when we click the Fuse tab, we see a dialog box that gives us a warning and a second chance to check everything. As our dialog box makes clear, T’Pol and Hoshi will be permanently fused – and T’Pol will completely vanish forever.
FUSING IS NOT REVERSIBLE! Please exercise great caution when using this feature, so you don’t accidentally Fuse to the wrong one. When your warning dialog box appears, make sure to pay VERY CAREFUL attention to their names so you’re Fusing to the Mystic you want to keep!
When we click Fuse, we see a HUD status message saying that Fusion is in progress, we see one last message from T’Pol saying that she has fused with Hoshi, and that Hoshi is now Level 3 out of a maximum of 15 possible levels, with 176 / 300 EXP: T’Pol had 85 EXP; Hoshi received 66% of that, which is 56, and then received coat and eye bonuses that brought her total to 176.
Whenever two Mystics of different Species Fuse, the Receiver gains 66% of the Giver’s Experience, along with the eye and coat bonuses – but the Receiver will NOT unlock new Stars: the Maximum Level remains the same.
Let’s look at another Fusion to compare the differences. Here, both the Mystics happen to have the same EXP again – Level 7, with 1037 EXP, and both with a maximul level of 10. However, they are different Species : Animist and Shelfwalker.
The Fusion process is exactly the same: you target and Pick the one you want to keep, the Receiver of the Experience. (Bradley, the Mystic on the left, in this case.) You make sure the Receiver’s name is on the bookmark at the bottom of your HUD, then you target the Mystic who will be the Giver. (In this example, Not Bradley, the Mystic on the right.)
Again, you receive the warning dialog box, and another chance to check everything.
But, this time, when the two Mystics are Fused and the Giver disappears, the Receiver does not unlock a new Star. Bradley gains enough EXP to go up one Level and fill in the next point of his Star – but the third Star remains grey and locked.
So, what if you fuse a Level 3 Animist to a Level 10 Shelfwalker? For example, if you Fuse your Level 3 Animist with 200 EXP to your Level 10 Shelfwalker, your Level 10 Shelfwalker will receive 132 EXP – but will NOT unlock a new Star, not even if 132 EXP would be enough to bring it to Level 11.
Don’t worry, though: that Experience isn’t lost! Your Shelfwalker would just need to Fuse with another Shelfwalker in order to increase its Maximum Level and unlock a new Star. This would give the Animist’s Experience somewhere to go.
Still confused? That’s okay! Try this analogy: a Mystic’s Stars are like containers that can be filled with Experience – so think of them like buckets that can be filled with water: When two Mystics of the same Species fuse, the remaining Mystic is given more water – AND a bigger bucket to hold that water in. When two Mystics of different Species fuse, the remaining Mystic gets more water – but doesn’t get a bigger bucket! So if your Mystic’s bucket is almost full of water already – it has almost reached its Maximum Level – you couldn’t pour in all of that different Species’ water without the bucket overflowing. So you pour in what you can, and you reserve the rest in a bottle nearby.
As soon as you fuse a same-Species Mystics to that Mystic again, it gets a bigger bucket – big enough to pour in all the water reserved in that bottle. (Though, if you’ve fused a Mystic with a LOT of Experience to a different-Species Mystic with fewer unlocked Stars, it may take more than one same-Species Fusion to unlock enough Stars to hold all that reserved Experience. In other words, if a Mystic’s bucket is WAY too small to hold all the water it’s being given, it may take a few same-Species Fusions to make the bucket big enough to hold it all.)
Even though a Mystic may reach a high Level and attain great Experience through Fusion, its offspring aren’t born at a higher Level – and aren’t even born with a higher Maximum Level. No matter how proud its parentage may be, a baby Mystic is always born at Level 1 with a Maximum Level of 10.
That newborn Mystic MAY, however, be born with interesting differences: it may have greater chances at a rare and interesting coat, or uncommon-colored eyes! It may be a rare Species! It may even be a new Type of Mystic altogether, one never before hatched by any Adventurer on Earth!
And as these rare Mystics are Fused and bred among more common Mystics or among each other, still other features may emerge…
So don’t be afraid to Fuse your Mystics! It doesn’t hurt them at all. In fact, in their native environment, Mystics Fuse with each other for many reasons: as a gift, as a celebration, or as an expression of love. Where some Earth creatures would kick out the runt of a litter, leaving it to suffer alone the cold, Mystics joyfully join together – young and old, weak and strong.
Finally, you will always have 3 BLUE BUTTONS on top of your HUD.
ME will take you directly to your page on the HUD. This tells you important information about you, the player. It also has two Tabs at the right; SOUND and LOST. Sound allows you to toggle the sound effects. LOST allows you to input the ID of a Mystic or Pet in the event you’ve lost one! (Recalling Lost or Runaway pets is covered more thoroughly on the Redeliveries & Lost or Runaway Pets page.)
LOGIN allows you to navigate diectctly to your own Personal Profile. Once you click LOGIN you will be asked if you want to visit the website via a dialog box like this:
This will appear upon clicking LOGIN. You must GO TO PAGE in order to log in!
You must click this button to log in every single time: you can’t bookmark the page and come back to it later. As you see from the Personal Profile itself, you’re logged out of the system automatically after 30 minutes of inactivity.
After clicking Go To Page, you will find yourself on your Personal Profile. Here you can find information on all of your Mystics and PetalPods, look at the status of all your Homes, request redelivery of purchased items you never received, see a record of all your Magika transactions, file support tickets, and recall lost Homes or starved Pets.
To find the Pet ID for a Lost or Runaway pet, go to the Pets tab, then click on the name of the pet you’ve lost. A new Pet Page will open up with many details about that Mystic – including, on the very first line, the PetID.
Return to your Second Life client and click the LOST tab. You’ll have 30 seconds to paste that PetID into Local Chat and press Enter. This will begin the Recall process! (A lost Mystic or PetalPod can also be recalled directly from that Pet Page on the Personal Profile.)
NOTE: It costs nothing to recall a Lost pet, but if one has starved and run away, your Magika Reserve will be debited 99 Magika in order to retrieve it.
You can also submit a SUPPORT ticket through the link in the upper right corner, if you need further help!
HTTP takes you directly to our website, where you can browse the blog, read the stories, find documentation on products, and participate in polls.
Hopefully, this has helped you understand how to care for, breed, level up, fuse, and interact with your Mystics.
Remember, Adventurer: the world of Elarra is counting on you! Every Mystic you save helps to keep the Magical wildlife of Elarra alive and safe from the spreading Gray. Thank you for your support! We wish you the very best of luck in raising Mystics that are happy, long-living, and rich in experience.