As indicated, we will be allowing satellite locations to host an Official Chronicles Of Mystica vendor. However, there are some very important details you must be aware of before considering applying to host a vendor at your Marketplace.
We will only be allowing Ten vendors to exist beyond our official region. This is deliberate so that, in the event it is necessary, we can update them or maintenance them within a reasonable time frame as well as keep track of them.
Any Satellite vendor must remain under the ownership of Chronicles of Mystica, therefore cannot be transferred or deeded to a group. This means you will need to designate a specific area for a representative to set up the Vendor.
All vendors must be placed in a location that prohibits public rezzing of objects in order to prevent tampering with or rezzing objects over top of the vendor to obscure it or redirect payments from unsuspecting buyers.
Vendors may not be placed on land with restricted access of any kind, this includes areas limited to access only by certain groups of players, areas that are not accessible to the public (i.e. behind ban lines) or areas moderated by third party security software, such as Orbs which automate teleporting other Avatars to “Home” locations based on Avatar age, Region Rating preferences or other other devices intended to restrict access.
We will require the Representative placing the vendor have the ability to run scripts for the vendor to function. We will join a group you designate in order to achieve this, but the group must not allow public rezzing. Any applicant should consider parceling off a small area to accommodate these necessary permissions. This will allow the Representative to maintenance vendor issues or manually update the content if required.
We cannot provide assets beyond a vendor, this includes decorative material, storefront designs or other visual elements. We can only be responsible for providing the vendor, and only at it’s designated location.
We reserve the right to remove a vendor at any time or suspend the satellite Vendor program altogether should at any point we believe it presents liabilities to our community, consumers or business.
Satellite Vendors do not participate in profit share of any sort at this time.
Placing a Satellite vendor does not infer any special rights, entitlements or agreements between you and Mystica LLC and is not compulsory.
You can request we remove a vendor at any time.
We cannot create custom vendors for any reason.
We do not provide Satellite vendors for personal use.
Once placed, we cannot make return visits to move the vendor.
We cannot place a vendor in any location that also hosts violent, threatening, intolerant or discriminatory content or that is defamatory to any group of people, any religion, any gender or orientation, or any place that endorses or promotes such things.
If you are interested in hosting a Satellite vendor, please send a notecard in-world titled SATELLITE VENDOR PROGRAM to TourGuideFlipsy Resident with the following information:
Your Marketplace Name
Your Authorized Representative(s) name
Your Group name
Your exact intended vendor location (A Landmark is acceptable)
We understand that this program may not be for everyone and may appear restrictive but the security of our community is paramount, as is the integrity of the buying process. In order to preserve and prevent it being compromised we have to go to such measures so that every individual has confidence in the reliability of the vendor, it’s performance and the implicit trustworthiness and safety of it’s location.